Just Us

Two Soon-To-Be Southern Belles

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I should apologize for my previous post because I think my mom was hurt and it doesn't sound very nice. It was all in fun, but, as my mom says, it's hard to know how to take written, unemotional writing. You can't tell what the person really means in some cases. I really love my mom and did not want to come across so harshly. I suppose I can glean a lesson about sarcasm and the mighty pen...or blog, as the case may be.

On a different note, please pray for Lea as she is leaving for a college visit tomorrow, and for me, as I leave on Saturday for the same. Pray that we would have safe trips and that we would be fully submitting to God's will, not our own.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

On Pepto-Bismol

I was trying to resist writing about this, but I can't help it.

So my mom was looking at our blog and I thought that everything was great. I thought it was pretty and that it was set up very nicely. Little did I know that my mom actually though otherwise, but didn't comment about it because she didn't think it would come across well.

You know, I'm kind of upset. I really thought that I would get more support from her about my online dealings. But NO. Her mind, instead of dwelling on the prettyness of things, immediately went to the gutter.

That's right.

She said that our blog reminded her of PEPTO-BISMOL (of all things)!! I mean, seriously. Who does she think she is? Gosh.

O.k, so for those of you who might be wondering if I'm having bad tensions with my mother, I am not. Be at ease. This is pretty much just sarcasm. But she really did say that. It was kindof funny.

Oh well.

If I have to change it, so be it.

Hey, at least the minty kind of peptol bismol tastes good. (I know because I've traveled, and you most need it when travelling.)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My creed

Elisabeth, what happened to the profiles? Just out of curiousity... well I am taking this awesome self-defense course and I really want to take martial arts now... I LOVE SELF-DEFENSE... who would have known I could have that anger in me. But I really do and I feel so much more self-confident. I used to be so afraid of what would happen if someone attacked me becuase my dad calls me a hundred pound weakling and when I get scared I don't even scream, but I honestly feel like I could defend myself now. Every women should learn real self-defense. This is my new creed and I am going to practice every day and get a punching bag. Well good night.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Fav

My new favorite male character is now Roger Hamley from Wives and Daughters. He is so kind and yet so timid. I'm not sure that's what I like about him, but he is a very likable character. Also, he is handsome in the movie, but I've heard that the book describes him differently. Which leads me to a grievance. In my school library and in the Burnam Memorial Library such a book as this is nowhere to be found. Alas and aleck. I shall travel far and wide to the next town over at my leisure and hopefully find it there. If not, I shall be forced to buy such a book off the internet someday, but I'm sure that isn't the only way out. Oh dear.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ok, tell me what you think -- this is much more not depressing--the black was a little much for me...

I'm sorry about your day yesterday.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Frightening Things

Today people shoplifted at Bass! We found the tags of two purses that someone had ripped off and stuck under a box of shoes, and another person put clearance shoes into a regular priced box and put the regular priced shoes (which were pretty expensive) into the clearance box so that whoever rang up the sale rang up the cheaper price which weren't actually the shoes he was buying (I say he because they were men's shoes). And of course we found out after the fact... people are horrid.

I think it's a good idea that we talk about Linda's study but I'm not going to talk about it tonight becuase I don't want to. It's depressing.


I must say that I did miss your insightful comments, but now that you are back, my life has come together again (victorious theme music playing in the background...)

Um, anyway... We thought it might be fun if we had a small but fun Mr. Darcy fan club. Though most of what we do is fun and jest, we do take some things seriously.

Just kidding. (I must have used the word fun, like, ten times)

I'm sorry---weird mood.

Again, anyway, Mr. Darcy is to us the perfect man, except that he isn't a Christian. This discussion/fan club might launch into what it means to be a biblical woman and a wife vs. what we are expecting in our future husbands. (This is based on Linda's Bible Study Wed. night.) It might be an interesting topic to pursue. P.S. Lea, do mind if I change the template??

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh yay I am here again...poor Elisabeth missed my wonderful and insightful comments on life while my computer was being ridiculous...but it's better now.

So I was very upset in youth group tonight (well we had a wonderful talk -that's not why I was upset) becuase we were supposed to go around the room and talk about our fav male movie characters and everyone had already said Mr. Darcy so I said Johnny Cash in Walk the Line because I felt sorry for him and he was sweet and everyone was SHOCKED! and I was thinking about it and I got more and more frustrated because I realized that I like bad guys but I don't really think they are bad (I'm talking movies here). so johnny cash - yeah he did drugs and cheated on his wife but a.) he was extremely artistic/musical and those kind of people are slightly tormented in spirit (perhaps I may also feel slightly tormented and thus have more sympathy) and b.) he really was very deep in his love for June - he died four months after her! that's love and c.) there is a lot of evidence to say he became a Christian later in life and d.) he really sold himself short and his mannerisms were very endearing and childish and sad. but for a clarification I really don't respect him for womanizing/drug addiction. please don't think I go that far (sorry I don't capitalize but I'm in a rush)

also rhett butler - another guy that most people despise. I don't - yes, he was far from ideal, but he was real and he loved Scarlett even though she was a brat and he stuck with her for a long time. although he left her in the end I am sure he came back becuase she was finally appreciative of him, and no guy who loved a woman for that long would leave right when he got her where he wanted her.

and lastly, the phantom of the opera (or OG for Opera Ghost). in the movie he's pretty hot so more people have sympathy for him but I feel so sorry for him becuase he was treated so badly - and he loved Christine in his own way and was ultimately willing to give her up. again, another tormented musical type. my friends had better keep me away from those kind...who knows what I will do if I meet an OG.

bedtime...and I need to write an intro and conclusion for my essay - i am so bad at those paragraphs - i can write the thesis and the body but not the other parts.


Regenerate Our Culture is officially launched!!

Visit the new web mag here!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I think it is time to make another post, but topics are hard. With Lea's computer down, there is just one mind on the site temporarily, not two. Oh well.

More on music, perhaps?

One of the current boy bands I really enjoy is Relient K. I like their older stuff better--it is more Christ-centered--but I also just love the rhythm. They have an excellent drummer.

Um...ok, that was true, but it was more to fill space. I promise I will not post again until I have something intelligent to say...

...which might not happen...

Friday, March 10, 2006


Two Things:


Regenerate Our Culture is a project with a goal of regenerating our culture's mindset from a secular world-view to a Christian world-view. This is being done by four teens: Alex, Tim , Jake , and Kristen.

Their plan is to have a web magazine that will be updated on the first and the fifteenth of every month. The kick off is in 5 days!! Don't miss it!

To become a sponser and join the team, click here.

Hurry, it's only five days away!!

Second: Lea is not currently blogging because her internet is very down. Not that anyone has really visited our site (noted by the site counter) but in case that was confusing, there is an explanation. No, I am not taking over the blog. :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Titles are so hard to come up with.

I had to stay home from church today due to a pretty nasty head cold. I think it might be an ear infection. Anyway, since I can't be in church, I will share my favorite Bible story-the story of Joseph.

It's pretty long, but I'll sum it up. For the full version, click here. It is Genesis 37-50.

To start with, Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel. Remember, Jacob loved Rachel, but was tricked into marrying Leah. In the end, he married both and had twelve sons by four different women: Leah, Rachel, Leah's maid, and Rachel's maid. They each wanted to bear him the most sons. Leah was blessed by God and bore him 6 sons, but Rachel only bore him 2-Joseph and Benjamin. Jacob loved these two sons the most. When Joseph was young, he tended the sheep with his brothers. He had a dream that he would rule over his brothers, and his brothers hated him. In short, they managed to get him sold to some Ishmaelites who were on their way to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph was sold to one of Pharaoh's officials, Potiphar, and he was honored because of his wisdom that he was given by God. One day, though, Potiphar's wife made it look like Joseph had an affair with her, so Joseph got thrown in jail, even though he was innocent. He interperated some dreams and eventually got to interperate Pharaoh's dreams. Pharaoh saw that Joseph was wise and made him second in command to himself. There was a famine and Joseph's brothers had to come to Egypt to get food. A few incidents happen, and eventually they see that he is Joseph. Jacob's whole family moves down to Goshen. They live happy lives blessed by God and Jacob is reunited with one of his favorite sons before his death.

There are a few things that I love about this story. First, Joseph is continually giving credit to God for everything that comes his way. He never gets too haughty with all the wealth and status that is given to him. Also, he sees that God's plan is good, no matter what happens (i.e. getting sold, thrown in a pit, believed dead...) And, in the end, Joseph is kind and forgives his brothers for what had happened. Joseph is truly an Old Testament type of Christ and there are so many lessons to learn from this story. Not to mention all of the cool, dramatic, and romantic things that happen!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hymns and such

I probably should contribute something here instead of leaving it all to Elisabeth...

Favorite hymns... "Saved by Grace" though it really is a funeral hymn: Here's the first verse and the chorus:

"Someday the silver chord will break,
And I no morea as now shall sing;
But O the joy when I shall wake
Within the palace of the KinG!

And I shall see Him face to face,
And tell the story - Saved by grace;
And I shall see Him face to face,
And tell the story - Saved by grace."

"When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" is my favorite hymn, and I also love "It is Well With my Soul" and "Come Thou Font."

So today I was working (at Bass) and a man in a snowsuit walked in. "Is this the men's section?" he asked (which was very obvious since he was surrounded by men's shoes). When I answered yes, he asked if the opposite wall was the women's section (again this was very obvious) and then he asked if we had any women's swim suits in the women's section. Bass is not a very large store - you can pretty much see all of the displays anywhere you stand, and since when have shoe stores carried swimsuits? So when I told him no (feeling and looking very flustered) he asked if I knew any stores that carried any locally, etc etc and then he stormed out of the store after I gave him a map of the area. I had a sudden and unusual urge to laugh hysterically. I could not figure out why a man in a snow suit would want a women's swim suit. But when I told this to my dad he said that it wa really very obvious - he was probably staying with a woman at the Inn at Essex or another such hotel and they had probably been skiing all day and now they wanted to relax and go swimming but she had forgotten her suit... this is a boring story I know but it just shows how easy it is to make wrong conclusions as to fellow mankind's sanity when a rational thinking-process would just solove the problems. Well we can't all.


Friday, March 03, 2006

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Linda's right-Lea and I are both pretty crazy about music (see comments on About Us).

Some of my favorite hymn lyrics are these:

"Take my voice, and let me sing, always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from thee, filled with messages from thee.

Take my will, and make it thinge; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is thine own; it shall be thy royal throne, it shall be thy royal throne."

(Take My Life, and Let It Be, by Havergal [I think])


"In mansions of glory and endless delight, I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so brigth; I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus 'tis now."

(My Jesus, I Love Thee, by Featherstone)

I have so many favorite hymn lyrics, but these are probably my "most fav."
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