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Two Soon-To-Be Southern Belles

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lea is Ranting

I'm sorry, I just have to go political here. So yesterday I come home from the youth group party and my dad is on the computer and I see a breaking news story: WMD were found in Iraq. Now this isn't exactly new, because Bush has known about these since April, I believe the article said. And the WMD had been hidden since before the Gulf War, so they weren't part of a new weapons program. But they were there, and Saddam DID HAVE WMD! So I am so happy, becuase obviously, this is great news for those who have supported the war (like myself). Then I wake up this morning and start reading the Free Press, as usual, and is there even a MENTION of the story? One little blurb on the last page? Nothing. NOTHING. I am sorry I am using so many capitals but this is outrageous. Now, I am fairly inexperienced when it comes to journalism, but my liberal journalism teacher supported my belief that news is news no matter what you think of it. Wait a minute, I suddenly realized I have believed a lie all of my life. News is only news if it supports the liberal agenda. Other than that, it's fiction.


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