I had to stay home from church today due to a pretty nasty head cold. I think it might be an ear infection. Anyway, since I can't be in church, I will share my favorite Bible story-the story of Joseph.
It's pretty long, but I'll sum it up. For the full version,
click here. It is Genesis 37-50.
To start with, Joseph was the son of Jacob and
Rachel. Remember, Jacob loved Rachel, but was tricked into marrying Leah. In the end, he married both and had twelve sons by four different women: Leah, Rachel, Leah's maid, and Rachel's maid. They each wanted to bear him the most sons. Leah was blessed by God and bore him 6 sons, but Rachel only bore him 2-Joseph and Benjamin. Jacob loved these two sons the most. When Joseph was young, he tended the sheep with his brothers. He had a dream that he would rule over his brothers, and his brothers hated him. In short, they managed to get him sold to some Ishmaelites who were on their way to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph was sold to one of Pharaoh's officials, Potiphar, and he was honored because of his wisdom that he was given by God. One day, though, Potiphar's wife made it look like Joseph had an affair with her, so Joseph got thrown in jail, even though he was innocent. He interperated some dreams and eventually got to interperate Pharaoh's dreams. Pharaoh saw that Joseph was wise and made him second in command to himself. There was a famine and Joseph's brothers had to come to Egypt to get food. A few incidents happen, and eventually they see that he is Joseph. Jacob's whole family moves down to Goshen. They live happy lives blessed by God and Jacob is reunited with one of his favorite sons before his death.
There are a few things that I love about this story. First, Joseph is continually giving credit to God for everything that comes his way. He never gets too haughty with all the wealth and status that is given to him. Also, he sees that God's plan is good, no matter what happens (i.e. getting sold, thrown in a pit, believed dead...) And, in the end, Joseph is kind and forgives his brothers for what had happened. Joseph is truly an Old Testament type of Christ and there are so many lessons to learn from this story. Not to mention all of the cool, dramatic, and romantic things that happen!