Just Us

Two Soon-To-Be Southern Belles

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

More Politics

I'm sorry that I am so political - I guess this shouldn't be surprising since my earliest memory is of eating macoroni and cheese and listening to Rush Limbaugh the day Bush Sr. lost the election. That was in 1990, so I was two years old. Anyway, I just heard about the New York Times article (which you can read by clicking the link) in which they publicized the method the government uses to trace international terrorists. The implications of this leak is vast, and this is yet another example of the damage our liberal media does under the giuse of "freedom of the press." Editor Bill Keller's letter to the public after the publication of this information even uses that idea as an excuse.

I have a strong feeling I will not be persuing journalism as a career.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lea is Ranting

I'm sorry, I just have to go political here. So yesterday I come home from the youth group party and my dad is on the computer and I see a breaking news story: WMD were found in Iraq. Now this isn't exactly new, because Bush has known about these since April, I believe the article said. And the WMD had been hidden since before the Gulf War, so they weren't part of a new weapons program. But they were there, and Saddam DID HAVE WMD! So I am so happy, becuase obviously, this is great news for those who have supported the war (like myself). Then I wake up this morning and start reading the Free Press, as usual, and is there even a MENTION of the story? One little blurb on the last page? Nothing. NOTHING. I am sorry I am using so many capitals but this is outrageous. Now, I am fairly inexperienced when it comes to journalism, but my liberal journalism teacher supported my belief that news is news no matter what you think of it. Wait a minute, I suddenly realized I have believed a lie all of my life. News is only news if it supports the liberal agenda. Other than that, it's fiction.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Killing Time

So here I am, sitting on my bed using my new laptop which was a graduation present which I am so thrilled about...

But actually, I have been really bored. My job as a shoesalesperson (is that supposed to be one word?) is a flop since I have practically no hours and therefore torment the life out of my poor mother. So I am wondering - is there any volunteer work I can do? Does anyone know of some sort of a job opening I could get in a hurry? Entertainment? Anything?

Becuase if this is the way my summer is going to be, just send me to school now. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I used to dream of this kind of freedom, but unfortunately, I daily learn the lesson that life is never what it seems. The problem with me is that I always fill guilty when I have free time. I feel like I don't deserve it. I never was good at "redeeming time" anyway; I always sit around thinking of all the things I could or should do and never actually do any of them. I think I lack discipline, but only when nothing is required of me. When I have to do something, I can force myself to, but when I don't, what's the point? But this cycle makes me miserable...maybe this is a spiritual thing.

All I know is that I am bored. HELP. Maybe I'll write that novel that has been stewing in my brain for years. I have no idea what I would write about. Maybe I'll just try and something will come out.

Maybe I'll just go to bed.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Hi, we've both graduated and are starting our summers!! Hopefully we will tend to our blog a little more faithfully, but there are no promises...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Actually, third time's a failure

I have officially given up - the first two times it told me I had too many characters in my URL and THEN it told me I had too many kilobytes. I don't even know what kilobytes are. So no pix on my profile. Oh well, I'll live.

Third time's a charm??

Alright I tried something a little different...

Try again

The URL was too long or something on the other one so here is this one - this is from the Mississippi trip...Good times. I was sanding in case anyone was curious.

Lea becomes a Techie

This is just a test because I am trying to move this picture to my profile. If anyone cares as to what this pic is all about, I will tell you. I was writing a story for the Essex Reporter on prom (horrible topic I know) and I went to a bridal shop and tried on all of these dresses. This one was incredible and huge - it had to have weighed ten pounds and the train was absurd - I loved it. It was definitely dramatic. But after looking at the $400 price tag and coughing my gum back up into my mouth, I decided to leave before I damaged anything...anyway, I'm doing this so I can become more technologically advanced becuase I am pretty hopeless. If you see this picutre on my profile, everyone be proud of me.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Here is a poem I wrote...um, yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking, either. However, each stanza has a slightly different tempo and mood to it, so each is read differently with different intonation.

This…is the story of a hoary who was searching for some glory through the use of some poor quarry that would get a little gory when the fury of a jury went to judge him in a hurry…he went off in a great flurry and his sight got kind of blurry with the worry of the burry that he got himself into:

An Ode to My Fav’ Dude, Vader

Anakin, the man of skin, once raced some pods to win a spin in a shiny piece of tin that Ben flew the stars in…so he left his kin and stuck out his chin and resolved to return sometime again, but when he returned, much to his chagrin, he found his mother was traded-in, and thus begins the din and twins of Anakin’s sorry pathetic tailspin.

One day, in what was probably May, he met a girl who was named Padme. She was pretty and kind and had her own way, especially when she was in her forte. He did some swordplay and they fell in love. Straightaway they married but kept from display, and then they had twins though it brought much dismay.

This is the story that is but half told…to tell the rest would be quite bold…this rhyming scheme is hard to keep, so the rest will be saved for another week.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Cameroon poem

Well no one actually commented (except the fair Elisabeth) on my last poem, but I'll try it again. Thank you Guilloume (spelling?) for your words of wisdom about plagiarism, I did mean that I hope no one copies my poem and says it's theirs. And maybe Elisabeth, who is more technically savvy, wiil be able to do the copyright thing. It is beyond me for now. So this is a poem I wrote about my experience in Cameroon. It is a style called a sestina, which means that it is very complicated to write and explain, but I will paste on an explanation that I wrote for some contest or something that is also very confusing but the best I can do. Here goes:

Sestina: A rigid poem structure that contains six stanzas with a triplet at the end. Each line in the stanza ends with one of the six end words that are repeated in a different order throughout the poem. The triplet contains those six end words in any order, two per line.


It’s always the smell I remember –
The greasy burning garbage littering the streets.
A haze hangs over the sky, over the stars,
A sweet sweaty fragrance, choking the breath from my throat.
Too sweet, it makes me ill, and I perspire in the sun.
I perspire as I boil and bake in Africa.

The ocean is too far to cross to Africa,
But at night I cannot help but remember
The way their eyes reflected a moist sun,
The way the children scampered in the street.
Their fuzzy hair and scabby knees constrict my throat
And blaze into a single dying star.

And every night I look upon the stars
I realize they are still the same in Africa.
The diamond jewels surround the moon’s white throat,
The milky way where I still remember.
And every day I look upon the street,
I imagine that the light overflows from an African sun.

Cameroon - my moon, my sun.
Cameroon – the place of humid stars.
The people clustered and crowded in the streets,
Peddling spicy meat, green bananas, tastes of Africa,
Carrots and square bread and pineapples to remember –
Pineapples that glistened, oozed juice, ambrosial in my throat.

In the morning, I hear the drums beating through my throat,
See their eternal light weakly portrayed in the Vermont sun.
Voices, chatter, laughter I will always remember;
The same laughter that lurches from the stars.
And though my tears beg me to forget this dream, this Africa,
I know my heart will forever wander on this one-way street.

Once some school-girls met us on the street.
In their eyes the deepness of Cameroon’s mountainous throat
Dwelt; their hips swelled at the corners like the continent of Africa,
Their skin the brightest orb, the most radiant sun
Screaming drumbeats and painful dancing like the stars –
And only then did I realize how intrinsically my being was called to remember.

For I remember the red-dusted street,
The sun pounding beneath my feet, the prickly pineapple star.
Always the essence of Africa smolders deep in my throat.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Deeply Reflective Haiku

There go some bubbles,
Flowing gently through spring air...
But then they say "pop."
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