Just Us

Two Soon-To-Be Southern Belles

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Here is a poem I wrote...um, yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking, either. However, each stanza has a slightly different tempo and mood to it, so each is read differently with different intonation.

This…is the story of a hoary who was searching for some glory through the use of some poor quarry that would get a little gory when the fury of a jury went to judge him in a hurry…he went off in a great flurry and his sight got kind of blurry with the worry of the burry that he got himself into:

An Ode to My Fav’ Dude, Vader

Anakin, the man of skin, once raced some pods to win a spin in a shiny piece of tin that Ben flew the stars in…so he left his kin and stuck out his chin and resolved to return sometime again, but when he returned, much to his chagrin, he found his mother was traded-in, and thus begins the din and twins of Anakin’s sorry pathetic tailspin.

One day, in what was probably May, he met a girl who was named Padme. She was pretty and kind and had her own way, especially when she was in her forte. He did some swordplay and they fell in love. Straightaway they married but kept from display, and then they had twins though it brought much dismay.

This is the story that is but half told…to tell the rest would be quite bold…this rhyming scheme is hard to keep, so the rest will be saved for another week.


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