Just Us

Two Soon-To-Be Southern Belles

Monday, February 27, 2006

About Us

My name is Elisabeth. Bet that one was hard to figure out. Anyway, Lea and I have been very close friends for quite some time now and we wanted to start something that would last for awhile, even though we might go in separate directions in life. Neither of us are very computer savvy, so it took us some time to get this running, which is why there are frantically written posts that consist of a few short sentences explaining how we will return, never fear.

As of right now, we're not sure what we will write about, but we would like to have a Christ-centered blog. True, our theme verse (at the top of the page) is funny on one level, but it also serves to remind us how quickly our lives pass away and how futile it is to live for anything or anyone but Christ Jesus.

We promise that there will be better posts in the future, but we're still launching the idea, not to mention the physical outworking of the process.


  • At March 02, 2006 10:42 PM, Blogger Linda said…

    Ok so I see under COOL BLOGS: Elisabeth but what about mine??? is is cool? COME ON! :-) just teasing.

    Here is an idea to get you rolling: you both like/love music. Why don't you write some of your favorite praise songs/hymns either in its entirety or by verse.. and why you like it..

    It will be fun see and comment... love you girls.. Linda

  • At March 03, 2006 3:07 PM, Blogger Elisabeth said…

    thanks Linda. of course yours is cool! We're getting there. THanks for the ideas.


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